Pownal works best with citizen involvement. There are many opportunities to serve the town; from asking to be appointed to a board or commission, asking for appointment to an open position, volunteering for specific events or activities, and running for an elected position. The information below describes the various boards and commissions that keep the citizenship involved in the process of town government. In addition, current vacancies, volunteer opportunities and employment positions are shown.
To apply for an open position please submit a letter of interest by selecting the button below, email [email protected] or mail 511 Center Street Pownal, VT 05261. Please be sure to indicate the position you wish to hold.
Thank you for your interest!
To apply for an open position please submit a letter of interest by selecting the button below, email [email protected] or mail 511 Center Street Pownal, VT 05261. Please be sure to indicate the position you wish to hold.
Thank you for your interest!
There are open positions on the Parks and Rec Committee.
There is one regular position and one alternate position open on the DRB.
Interested parties should submit a letter of interest to the Selectboard.
There is one regular position and one alternate position open on the DRB.
Interested parties should submit a letter of interest to the Selectboard.
Visit the home page for details of the next scheduled meeting for our various boards and commissions.
When one is scheduled the date/time and agenda will be available at the bottom of the page.
When one is scheduled the date/time and agenda will be available at the bottom of the page.
Conservation Commission
The Conservation Commission is a (7) member board appointed by the Selectboard. The Conservation Commission elects its own officers and adopts rules of procedure. Meetings are held at the call of the Chair or as determined by the Board. Powers and duties are as follows;
(1) make an inventory and conduct continuing studies of the natural resources of the municipality (A) streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, and floodplains;(B) scenic and recreational resources (in conjunction and cooperation with the Parks and Rec Committee) ;(C) prime agricultural and forest land, and other open lands; (2) make and maintain an inventory of lands within the municipality which have historic, educational, cultural, scientific, architectural, or archaeological values in which the public has an interest; (3) recommend to the legislative body of the municipality the purchase or the receipt of gifts of land or rights thereto, or other property, for the purposes of this chapter; (4) administer the lands, properties, and other rights which have been acquired by the municipality for the purposes of this chapter; (5) prepare, collect, publish, advertise, and distribute relevant books, maps, and other documents and maintain communication with similar organizations; and encourage through educational activities the public understanding of local natural resources and conservation needs with prior approval from the Selectboard. (6)Make a brief report to the municipality on an annual basis or whenever requested by the Selectboard. The Conservation Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month. Please contact Tara at 802.823.0116 x110 with any questions about attending a meeting. |
Current Commission Members Katherine Cooper, Chair (4 year term, expires 2026) Jeannie Alexander, Vice Chair (4 year term, expires 2026) Nathan Fowle, Secretary (4 year term, expires 2027) William Cottrell (4 year term, expires 2027) Megan Randall (4 year term, expires 2028) Margaret Coady (4 year term, expires 2028) Steve Zelman (4 year term, expires 2028) If you would like to communicate with the Conservation Commission members directly, please use the form below.
Development Review Board (DRB)
The Development Review Board (DRB) is a (7) member board plus two alternates appointed by the Selectboard. The DRB elects its own officers and adopts rules of procedure. Meetings are held at the call of the Chair or as determined by the Board. The DRB may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of material germane to any issue before the Board. The board keeps minutes of its proceedings and records the vote of each member on each question, which minutes are filed with the Town Clerk.
The DRB:
The mission of the Pownal DRB is to hear all permit appeals and render a fair and reasonable decision that we believe will benefit the town as a whole.
The DRB meets on the the first and third Wednesday of each month. Please contact Hannah at 802.823.0116 x102 with any questions about attending a meeting. |
Current Board Members Matthew Gardner, Chair (3 year term, expires 2024) John Bushee (3 year term, expires 2026) Karl Strohmaier (3 year term, expires 2026) Olden Dwyer (3 year term, expires 2025) Cindy Legge (3 year term, expires 2025) Cody Gardner (3 year term, expires 2026) Open Position (3 year term, expires 2027) Jim Winchester (Alternate) Open Position (Alternate) |
Planning Commission
Planning Commission VacancyThere is a vacancy on the Planning Commission due to a resignation. If you are interested in serving on the Planning Commission please submit a letter of interest to Tara Parks, Executive Assistant at [email protected] no later than 12/17/24.
The planning commission may have not less than three nor more than seven voting members. The planning commissioners are appointed by the town's select board. The following are the powers and duties of planning commissions in the State of Vermont:
The Planning Commission is charged with setting the overall policy and goals for land development and use in town. The primary functions of the Commission are to prepare and amend the Town Plan and the Land Use Regulations. The Planning Commission meets on the the first and third Tuesday of each month. Please contact Hannah at 802.823.0116 x102 with any questions about attending a meeting. |
Current Commission Members John Bushee, Chair (4 year term, expires 2026) Bryan Harris Vice-Chair (4 year term, expires 2028) Vacant (4 year term, expires 2025) Michelle Pekrol (4 year term, expires 2027) Robert Jarvis (4 year term, expires 2025) Stacy Boxer (4 year term, expires 2025) Jim Winchester (4 year term, expires 2027) |
Parks & Recreation
The Pownal Parks and Rec Committee was formed to discuss and generate ideas for use of town-owned lands and their potential development for outdoor recreation. Members are volunteers who desire to enhance the quality of life for Pownal residents, and build a sense of community. The Committee is under the supervision of the Selectboard, and has no decision-making powers or authority of its own. The initial focus of the Parks and Rec Committee is to build capacity with an emphasis on small, attainable projects to garner community support. All forms of recreation will be considered by the Committee, with special attention given to those opportunities for families and children of all ages.
The Town of Pownal Parks and Recreation Committee purposes to enrich the quality of life for all residents and build a sense of community. Recognizing the unique value that Pownal's vast natural resources offer, the Committee will work to develop diverse recreational opportunities on town-owned properties and to cultivate partnerships with other local groups to further our mission. Citizens are encouraged to share their ideas for outdoor recreation with the Parks and Rec Committee. This may be done by participating in a meeting or sending an e-mail to [email protected]. |
Current Board Members Jennifer Boucher, Chair Brian Foppes, Vice-Chair Bryan Harris Nathan Fowle Seth Jenkins |
Economic Development
The Economic Development Committee members are appointed by the Pownal Selectboard and has been organized based upon the guidelines set forth in the Pownal Town Plan.
Visit Helpful Information to review the town plan.
Visit Helpful Information to review the town plan.
School Board
The Southwest VT Union Elementary School District (SVUESD), is responsible for the prekindergarten through grade 6 in Pownal, Shaftsbury, Woodford, and prekindergarten through grade 5 in the Town of Bennington. This includes 6 elementary schools. Any Pownal Resident can run for a seat on the school board, and those who do run are motivated by a variety of reasons. The most common reason to run for a seat is because the candidate has a child in the schools and wants to have an impact on that child's education. Other reasons include aspiring to a position in town governance, seeking to improve the standing of the school district, or to taking the district in a new direction. Whatever the reason is, we encourage you to become involved in our wonderful school.
Pownal Elementary School Attn: Southwest VT Union Elementary School District Board 94 School House Road Pownal, VT 05261 |
Board of Abatement
The Board of Abatement follows a statutory process for relieving taxpayers from the burden of property taxes, penalty (collection fees) and interest when the law authorizes abatement and when the board, in its discretion, agrees that the request is reasonable and proper. It exists to permit the board to prevent an injustice or to help a taxpayer who faces extraordinary circumstances that make it difficult for the taxpayer to meet their tax obligations. Abatements are cautiously granted as they reduce the income to the town and require the town to either spend less or increase the taxes on the rest of the taxpayers to make up the difference. A board may abate "in whole or part" property taxes, interest or collection fees. 24 V.S.A. §1535(a). The Board of Abatement is formed by members of; the Select Board, Justices of Peace, Board of Listers, the Treasurer, and the Town Clerk. You can learn more about abatement at this link.
Board of Civil Authority
The Pownal Board of Civil Authority ("BCA") is required by 32 V.S.A. Chapter 131 to conduct appeal hearings of lister property valuation decisions. The Board is formed by the members from the Select Board, Justices of Peace, and the Town Clerk. The purpose of these rules is to establish uniform procedures for conducting such appeal hearings and to ensure compliance with Vermont's Open Meeting Law. The BCA also determines voter eligibility, and hears appeals of Lister grievance decisions, conducts tax assessment appeals.
Board of Health
The Board of Health of a municipality is made up of the local Health Officer and the Town Selectboard. The duties and responsibilities of the Vermont Boards of Health are established by Statute, which include taking action to mitigate significant public health risks and enforcing health laws and rules set by the State of Vermont. They meet when necessary.
Please contact the Town Health Officer with any questions or concerns.
Samantha Mroz
[email protected]
Samantha Mroz
[email protected]
Sewer Commission
The Sewer Commission is responsible for running the wastewater treatment facility and budget. In Pownal, the Selectboard serves as the sewer commission. They meet on the 4th Thursday of each month when necessary.